
Phytolacca americana · amerikinė fitolaka
- American pokeweed, pokeweed, poke sallet, dragonberries
- Amerikanische Kermesbeere, Amerika-Kermesbeere, Schminkbeere, Zehnmännige Kermesbeere
- amerikinė fitolaka
- Amerikas fitolaka
- szkarłatka amerykańska
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytolacca_americana Native to native to eastern North America, the Midwest, and the Gulf Coast, with more scattered populations in the far West. Pokeweed is poisonous to humans, dogs, and livestock. In spring and early summer, shoots and leaves (not the root) are edible with proper cooking (hence the common name "poke sallet"), but later in the summer they become deadly, and the berries are also poisonous. Some pokeweeds are grown as ornamental plants, mainly for their attractive berries.
Botanikos sodas 4167
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