Eremocoris plebejus · raudonrudė dirvablakė ^Thumbnails^Thumbnails^Thumbnails

Eremocoris plebejus · raudonrudė dirvablakė

  • spiny groundbug
  • Gewöhnlicher Eremit, Gewöhnlicher Klausner
  • karvakunttalude
  • raudonrudė dirvablakė
  • Gewone heremietwants
  • opuszczel brunatniak

Eremocoris are medium-sized ground bugs which have rather reddish-brown forewings and a pair of semicircular white spots on the membrane, adjacent to the cuneus. Eremocoris plebejus has two large and several smaller spines on the front femora and long erect tibial hairs (up to 2x tibial width). E. podagricus has shorter tibial hairs, equal to the width of the tibiae.

It feeds on pine cone seeds primarily.


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