Lunularia cruciata · kerpsamanė
- crescent-cup liverwort
- Mondbechermoos
- kryžminė mėnulainė
- księżyczka krzyżowa
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunularia Lunularia cruciata is only species in the genus. It is distributed across the world, found in continents including Europe, Australasia, Asia, the Americas, and Africa. It occurs commonly in western Europe, and is native to the Mediterranean region.
Lunularia cruciata grows in damp, shaded and disturbed habitats such as path and wall edges. It can act as a nutrient indicator because it often grows in alkaline and eutrophic to highly eutrophic soil. Other habitats include loam, boulders, concrete, exposed tree roots, soil covered logs and in the gaps between sidewalk stones. L. cruciata also grows as a horticultural weed in gardens, greenhouses and parks.
Kryžminė mėnulainė (Lunularia cruciata) vienintelė rūšis gentyje mėnulanė (Lunularia), priklausančiai mėnulaininių (Lunulariaceae) šeimai. Savaime auga Europoje, kitur paplitusi šiltnamiuose kaip atneštinė rūšis. Gniužulas iki 4 cm ilgio ir 6–12 mm pločio, banguotais pakraščiais.
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