Tsuga diversifolia · įvairiaspyglė cūga «Tsuga diversifolia · įvairiaspyglė cūga^Thumbnails«Tsuga diversifolia · įvairiaspyglė cūga^Thumbnails«Tsuga diversifolia · įvairiaspyglė cūga^Thumbnails

Tsuga diversifolia · įvairiaspyglė cūga

  • northern Japanese hemlock
  • Nordjapanische Hemlocktanne
  • įvairiaspyglė cūga
  • choina różnolistna
  • japansk hemlock

It is native to the Japanese islands of Honshū, Kyūshū, and Shikoku. In Europe and North America, the species is sometimes employed as tree for the garden and has been in cultivation since 1861.

Tsuga diversifolia is an evergreen tree that attains heights of 25 m. The crown is narrow, dense and conical. Young shoots are short, palely pubescent and bright orange to red-brown in colour. The densely arranged needles are linear-oblong and 5 to 15 mm long and up to 2.4 mm wide. They are a dark green in colour, glossy and furrowed above with two chalk white stomatal bands below.

The bark is an orange-brown in colour, shallowly fissured and vertically peeling. The buds are a deep purple red. The dull purple, ovoid pistillate flowers are terminal on either long or short shoots. They measure about 5 mm and as they mature become pale green with the centre and margin of each scale being purple. The cones are 1.8 to 2.8 cm long, cylindric-ovoid, and nearly sessile. They are dark brown, pendulous and the scales are slightly convex and ridged.

Auga Japonijoje (Honšiū, Kiūšiū, Šikoku salose). Introdukuota Europoje, Šiaurės Amerikoje. Įvairiaspyglė cūga introdukuota Lietuvoje dekoratyviniais tikslais, auginama retai. Aukštis iki 25 m. Laja kūgiška, siaura, tanki. Žievė rusva, smarkiai suskilinėjusi. Spygliai 5–15 mm ilgio, tamsiai žali, blizgūs, su dviem ryškiai baltais ruoželiais apačioje. Kankorėžiai kiaušiniški, 1,8-2,8 cm ilgio, tamsiai rudi. Mediena minkšta, stambiaplaušė, nepatvari.

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