
Pinophyta · pušūnai

  • Coniferophyta, Coniferae
  • conifers
  • Nadelholz
  • pušūnai
  • skujkoki, skuju koki
  • iglaste, szpilkowe

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conifer Single extant class, Pinopsida in the division Pinophyta or Coniferae. They are cone-bearing seed plants with vascular tissue; all extant conifers are woody plants, the great majority being trees with just a few being shrubs. Typical examples of conifers include cedars, douglas-firs, cypresses, firs, junipers, kauris, larches, pines, redwoods, spruces, and yews. Trere are approximately 700 living species in the world.