
Syndemis musculana · plačiajuostis syndemis
- Dark-barred Tortrix, Dark-barred Twist
- Høstvikler
- Grauer Laubbaum-Blattwickler
- harmorullakääriäinen
- plačiajuostis syndemis
- Struikbladroller, Herfstbladroller
- grå bladvikler
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- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndemis_musculana
- ukmoths.org.uk/species/syndemis-musculana
- insektarium.net/lepidoptera-2/tortricidae-zwojkowate/syndemis-musculana
- gbif.org/species/1744180
It is found in Europe, China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Russia and North America. A species very variable in coloration. Front wings in various shades of gray and brown. In the middle of the wing a wide, darker than the background transverse band with irregular edges. Some, especially worn specimens, lack discernable markings. It flies in the late afternoon and evening in May and June, coming to light after dusk.
The caterpillars feed on oaks (Quercus), birches (Betula), spruces (Picea), ragworts (Senecio) and Rubus (brambles and allies) and many other trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses. Larva is active from July to October, overwintering as a full-grown larva to pupate in Spring.
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