
Calycanthus floridus · virgininis kalikantas
- eastern sweetshrub, spicebush, Carolina allspice
- Echte Gewürzstrauch
- virgininis kalikantas
- daudzziedu kalikants, Floridas kalikants
- kielichowiec wonny
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calycanthus_floridus Calycanthus floridus is native to the eastern United States. This 2 to 3 m tall shrub is identifiable by its showy dark red flowers and fragrant scent. The bark of the plant is reportedly used as a substitute for cinnamon. The petals of the flower are also reportedly used in medicinal tea-making. Strong caution is advised however, as an alkaloid calycanthine in the plant may lead to heart convulsions. Seeds are poisonous, causing convulsions, myocardial depression and hypotension.
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