
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale · gudobelinė skydblakė
- hawthorn shield bug
- Wipfel-Stachelwanze
- gudobelinė skydblakė
- lielā slaidvairogblakts
- puklica rudnica
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawthorn_shield_bug
- naturespot.org.uk/species/hawthorn-shieldbug
- britishbugs.org.uk/heteroptera/Acanthosomatidae/a_haemorrhoidale.html
The hawthorn shield bug is found across Europe. Its distribution appears to be spreading north. Overwinters as an adult, emerging and mating in the spring. The larvae occur May-October, feeding mainly on hawthorn berries, although a range of other deciduous trees are also used, including oak, hazel and birch.
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