
Blepharidopterus angulatus · žymėtoji žolblakė
- black-kneed capsid
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- žymėtoji žolblakė
- Zwarte kniewants, Zwartknieblindwants
- roztoczarz zielonawy
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blepharidopterus_angulatus
- influentialpoints.com/biocontrol/Blepharidopterus_angulatus_black-kneed_capsid.htm
- naturespot.org.uk/species/black-kneed-capsid
- britishbugs.org.uk/heteroptera/Miridae/blepharidopterus_angulatus.html
It is found in North Africa, Europe East across the Palearctic to Central Asia and in North America. The bugs feed mainly as predators of mites, mite eggs, aphids and other soft-bodied arthropods on various deciduous trees and shrubs. They are found mainly on Alnus, Betula , Corylus, Fraxinus, Ulmus, Tilia , Salix, Populus, Carpinus, Fagus. Occasionally suck also on the immature seeds of the plants. B. angulatus has one generation per year. Eggs are laid from July to October in the wood of trees where they remain embedded until the following spring.
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