
Dicyphus epilobii · žolblakė
- Dueurtblomstertæge
- Weidenröschen-Weichwanze
- karvahorsmalude
- Harig-wilgenroosjebochelwants
- dybiel nadobnik
- britishbugs.org.uk/heteroptera/Miridae/dicyphus_epilobii.html
- naturespot.org.uk/species/dicyphus-epilobii
- gbif.org/species/6096738
Dicyphus epilobii is uniformly pale green with green collar between head and pronotum; vertex (front of head) often marked with red or brown. Often with dark spot at the apex of both the corium and the cuneus. Antennae shorter than the rest of the body; first segment red-brown. It can resemble pale forms of Dicyphus errans, which can show a red 1st antennal segment, but the mesopleura (thorax sides) are entirely pale (dark in D. errans). Adults are always macropterous (long-winged form). Adult: mainly July-October. Length 4–5 mm.
It feeds on Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) and sometimes can be found on various other herbaceous plants.
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