Laphria flava · kamaniškoji plėšriamusė Laphria flava · kamaniškoji plėšriamusėThumbnailsTabanidae · sparvosLaphria flava · kamaniškoji plėšriamusėThumbnailsTabanidae · sparvosLaphria flava · kamaniškoji plėšriamusėThumbnailsTabanidae · sparvos

Laphria flava · kamaniškoji plėšriamusė

  • bumblebee robberfly, yellow robberfly, yellow assassin fly
  • Gelbe Raubfliege, Gelbe Mordfliege
  • aitopalokärpänen
  • kamaniškoji plėšriamusė
  • dzeltenā celmmuša
  • wierzchołówka żółtowłosa

It flies with a distinctly audible hum, giving humans the appearance of a bee or bumblebee. After mating, the females lay the eggs in tree trunks and rotten wood, usually in the boreholes of other insects. The Laphria larvae develop in the burrows of wood-dwelling insects and feed mainly on their larvae.

The size of the yellow predators is variable, reaching a body length of 12 to 25 millimeters and are strongly built. They have dense hairs, which are coloured yellow and black making it resemble a bumblebee. The anterior part of the chest is covered with short, yellow hair; the posterior part of the chest has a dense, long hairs of the same colour, which are directed backwards. The back and legs are also hairy.

model Canon EOS 6D
f 16
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/160 s
flash yes, mode: compulsory
ISO 100
focal 65 mm
mode manual