- Choerades marginatus · plėšriamusė
- Didysmachus picipes
- Dioctria hyalipennis · plėšriamusė
- Dioctria oelandica · plėšriamusė
- Laphria flava · kamaniškoji plėšriamusė
- Laphria gibbosa · kuprotoji plėšriamusė
- Lasiopogon cinctus
- Machimus atricapillus · plėšriamusė
- Neoitamus cyanurus · plėšriamusė
- Pamponerus germanicus · plėšriamusė
- ~ other Asilidae · musės plėšrūnės
- robber fly, assassin flies
- Raubfliegen, Jagdfliegen
- musės plėšrūnės
- laupītājmušas
- łowikowate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asilidae The Asilidae are predators, in both the juvenile and the adult stages, and feed on small arthropods, mainly insects. The Asilidae are excellent flyers, and in most of the family, capture prey in flight. They are often seen stationed to ambush prey at strategic points. This behavior signifies that sight plays an essential role in the detection of prey and their capture. The prey is caught with the tarsi and injected with a paralyzing saliva. Puncture is followed by the injection of saliva, whose active components perform two functions: The neurotoxins cause paralysis of the victim, while proteolytic enzymes lead to the breakup and liquefaction of internal tissues; in a short time, the predator is able to feed by sucking the internal fluids.