Lasiopogon cinctus male · plėšriamusė ♂
- Spring Heath Robberfly
- Gemeiner Grauwicht
- Almindelig båndrovflue
- sorapetokärpänen
- Vroege zandroofvlieg
- raptorek gorsetowy
- soldierflies.brc.ac.uk/spring_heath
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157629281984610
- inaturalist.org/taxa/356335-Lasiopogon-cinctus/browse_photos
- gbif.org/species/1656585
A rather distinctive small robberfly (body length to 10 mm) with a grey-dusted thorax and a rather cylindrical black abdomen bearing rings of pale dusting along the hind margins of the tergites. The abdomen lacks bristles and the male genitalia are strangely assymetrical.