Gaultheria · bruknuolė ^Thumbnails»Gaultheria · bruknuolė^Thumbnails»Gaultheria · bruknuolė^Thumbnails»Gaultheria · bruknuolė

Gaultheria · bruknuolė

  • Aromatic Wintergreens, Snowberry
  • Scheinbeeren, Rebhuhnbeeren
  • bruknuolė
  • goltjēras, ziemciete
  • golteria, gaulteria
  • vaktelbärssläktet

Gaultheria is a genus of about 283 species of shrubs in the family Ericaceae. These plants are native to Asia, Australasia and North and South America. The species vary from low, ground-hugging shrubs less than 10 cm tall, up to 2.5 m tall, or, in the case of G. fragrantissima from the Himalayas, even a small tree up to 5–6 m tall. The leaves are evergreen, alternate (opposite in G. oppositifolia from New Zealand), simple, and vary between species from 3 to 10 cm long; the margins are finely serrated or bristly in most species, but entire in some. The flowers are solitary or in racemes, bell-shaped, with a five-lobed (rarely four-lobed) corolla; flower colour ranges from white to pink to red. The fruit is a fleshy berry in many species, a dry capsule in some, with numerous small seeds.

Several species are grown as ornamental shrubs in gardens. Like most other ericaceous plants, Gaultheria species do best in peaty soil that never fully dries out.

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