Neoitamus cyanurus male · plėšriamusė ♂ ThumbnailsNeoitamus cyanurus female · plėšriamusė ♀ThumbnailsNeoitamus cyanurus female · plėšriamusė ♀ThumbnailsNeoitamus cyanurus female · plėšriamusė ♀

Neoitamus cyanurus male · plėšriamusė ♂

  • Common Awl Robberfly
  • Gemeiner Strauchdieb
  • sinipetokärpänen
  • Bosrandroofvlieg
  • łowczak niebieskawy

It is an eastern Palearctic realm species, with a distribution in Europe, North European Russia, but it is also present in the Near East and in the Oriental realm. This species mainly inhabits spruce forest edge and hedge rows, but also wooded gardens and parks.

It can be separated from other similar robberflies (except Pamponerus germanicus) by the combination of bright orange tibiae combined with dark femora. However, Neoitamus species lack the bicoloured wings of P. germanicus and females have unusually long ovipositors. The build is also rather slim compared with other similar genera.

This species can be distinguished from N. cothurnatus by the more elongate and almost totally black hind basitarsi (mostly red in cothurnatus) and partially shiny black male tergite 6 (entirely dusted grey in male cothurnatus). There are are also differences in the face profile, shape of the male genitalia and distribution of microtrichia in the first basal cell of the wing.

model Canon EOS 6D
f 16
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/160 s
flash yes, mode: compulsory
ISO 100
focal 65 mm
mode manual