Scutellinia scutellata · skydelinė blakstienutė
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- skydelinė blakstienutė
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The fruiting bodies are small red cups with distinct long, dark hairs or "eyelashes". These eyelashes are the most distinctive feature and are easily visible with a magnifying glass. The species is common in North America and Europe and has been recorded on every continent. S. scutellata is found on rotting wood and in other damp habitats, typically growing in small groups, sometimes forming clusters.
Up to 10mm across, but more commonly 3 to 5mm, the cups are shiny on the upper (hymenial or spore-bearing) surface and vary in colour from orange through to a very deep red inside the cup. A fringe of dark brown eyelash-like hairs surrounds the rim of the cup.
Vaisiakūniai smulkučiai, 0,3-1,2 cm skersmens, bekočiai, lėkštelės ar įdubusio disko formos, oranžiškai raudonos, rausvai raudonos spalvos, pakraščiai apaugę juosvais šereliais, ypač kraštai - blakstienuoti. Trama plona, rausva. Auga visus metus, grupėmis, ant žemės, ant augalinės kilmės atliekų, kartais laužavietėse. Lietuvoje dažna. Nevalgoma.
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