Choerades marginatus · plėšriamusė «Choerades marginatus · plėšriamusė^Thumbnails«Choerades marginatus · plėšriamusė^Thumbnails«Choerades marginatus · plėšriamusė^Thumbnails

Choerades marginatus · plėšriamusė

It is present in most of Europe. These robber flies mainly inhabit spruce and beech forest and hedge rows. A shiny-black, medium-sized robberfly with bands of golden hairs along the hind margins of the tergites that can be quite noticeable in certain lights. Choerades marginatus can reach a body length of about 9–15 mm and a wings length of 6.5–8 mm. In males the first antennal segment is about 1.8 - 2.1 times as long as the second one, while in female is 3 times longer. Two forms are recognised in Stubbs & Drake (2002), a large broad form and small narrow form. The taxonomic status of these forms is not clear.


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