
Anthocoris nemorum · vaismedinė žiedblakė
- common flowerbug, minute pirate bug
- Gemeine Blumenwanze
- vaismedinė žiedblakė
- koku laupītājblakts
- dziubałek gajowy
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_flowerbug
- naturespot.org.uk/species/common-flower-bug
- britishbugs.org.uk/heteroptera/Anthocoridae/Anthocoris_nemorum.html
They are predatory insects, feeding on small insects including greenfly and red spider mites. A. nemorum lays its eggs inside plant leaves. It is capable of biting humans.
The forewings are entirely reflective, and the pronotum entirely black. The legs are mostly orange-brown, with variable development of small dark patches near the tip of the femora, especially on the hind leg. The antennae are largely pale in the 2nd and 3rd segments, with dark tips to the segments, and dark 1st and 4th segments. The dark patch on the membrane is typically hourglass-shaped.
3-4 mm ilgio. Plėšrios. Teigiama, kad gali įkąsti ir žmogui.
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