
Elasmucha grisea · alksninė skydblakė
on Anemone nemorosa petal · ant baltažiedės plukės žiedlapio
- parent bug
- Fleckige Brutwanze, Birkenwanze
- alksninė skydblakė
- bērzu vairogblakts
- knieżyca szara
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parent_bug
- naturespot.org.uk/species/parent-bug
- britishbugs.org.uk/heteroptera/Acanthosomatidae/elasmucha_grisea.html
It is a rather common and widespread species present in most of Europe. Elasmucha grisea females are caring for eggs and juveniles. Female defensive behaviours includes wing fanning, body jerking, tilting towards the enemy. Adults of E. grisea overwinters as an adult and can be found all year around.
These shield bugs feed on various woody plants, preferably on birch (Betula), but also on alder (Alnus), beech (Fagus), holly (Ilex), spruce (Picea), etc. Both adults and nymphs readily feed on developing seeds, and breeding individuals can be observed on host plants with many young catkins.
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