Centrotus cornutus · paprastoji kuprotoji cikada Centrotus cornutus · paprastoji kuprotoji cikadaThumbnailsCentrotus cornutus · paprastoji kuprotoji cikadaCentrotus cornutus · paprastoji kuprotoji cikadaThumbnailsCentrotus cornutus · paprastoji kuprotoji cikada

Centrotus cornutus · paprastoji kuprotoji cikada

  • thorn-hopper
  • Dornzikade
  • paprastoji kuprotoji cikada
  • ragainā cikāde
  • zgarb rogaty

Both males and females produce vibrational signals during courtship and they are able to jump as orthoptera. After mating at the end of June and early July the females lay several eggs in the stalk of herbaceous plants, on which hatching larvae feed. The larvae mainly live on Cirsium, Carduus and Urtica species, while the adult insects prefer Populus, Quercus and Rubus species. They overwinter in the litter layer in the larval stage and have a two-year life cycle.

model Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
f 16
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/200 s
flash yes, mode: unknown
ISO 100
focal 65 mm