
Trichiosoma lucorum · cimbeksas
- Light-tibia Hawthorn Sawfly, Dark Birch Sawfly
- Bepelzte Birkenkeulhornblattwespe, Grosse Pelzblattwespe
- koivunuijapistiäinen
- bryzgun włochaty
- sawflies.org.uk/trichiosoma-lucorum
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157703635897424
- gbif.org/species/5759445
Massive, black body; sometimes the sides of the abdomen in the female are reddish. Tergites 3 and 4 (at least) in the female covered with light, yellow, white and grey hairs. Forewings transparent, darkened especially at the tips. Thighs black, shins and feet orange-brown. Last segment of antennae club-shaped. Larva white-green, yellow-green or blue-green, wrinkled transversely, without coloured pattern.
It can be found mainly in moist forests. The larvae feed on willows, alders and birches.
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