Cimbicidae · cimbeksai

  • club-horned sawflies
  • Keulhornblattwespen
  • cimbeksai
  • vālīšlapsenes
  • bryzgunowate

The Cimbicidae are a small family of large-bodied, often hairy sawflies, with only 130 species in 6 genera worldwide. Larvae are solitary herbivores. The family is distinctive in having antennae with a prominent apical club or knob. The adults of some species can exceed 3 cm in length, and are among the heaviest of all Hymenoptera.

Vidutinio dydžio ar stambūs (iki 3 cm ilgio) vabzdžiai, panašūs į tikruosius pjūklelius, skiriasi buožiškomis antenomis. Lervos minta lapais, gyvena atvirai ant medžių ir krūmų. Lietuvoje neretas beržinis cimbeksas (Cimbex femorata).