Pontastacus leptodactylus · siauražnyplis vėžys

Astacus leptodactylus EN · Danube crayfish, Galician crayfish, Turkish crayfish, narrow-clawed crayfish DE · Galizische Sumpfkrebs, Europäischer Sumpfkrebs, Schmalscherenkrebs LT · siauražnyplis vėžys LV · šaurspīļu upesvēzis, purva vēzis PL · rak błotny, rak stawowy, długoszczypcowy, krawiec

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontastacus_leptodactylus It is a species of brackish water crayfish imported and introduced to Central Europe in 19th century from the Caspian Sea region.