
Salix caprea · blindė

  • goat willow, pussy willow, great sallow
  • Sal-Weide, Salweide
  • blindė
  • blīgzna, pūpolvītols, kazu vītols
  • wierzba iwa

It is a deciduous shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 8–10 m, rarely to 13 m. The leaves are 3–12 cm long and from 2–8 cm wide, broader than most other willows. The flowers are soft silky, and silvery 3-7 cm long catkins are produced in early spring before the new leaves appear; the male and female catkins are on different plants (dioecious). The male catkins mature yellow at pollen release, the female catkins mature pale green.

Dvinamis neaukštas medis, rečiau krūmas. Žiedai vienalyčiai, stambūs žirginiai, kvapūs. Kuokeliniai žirginiai 5-6 cm ilgio ir apie 2 cm skersmens, gausiažiedžiai. Žieduose gausu nektaro. Žydi balandžio mėn., prieš skleidžiantis lapams.