- dogwood family
- Hartriegelgewächse
- seduliniai
- kizilu dzimta
- dereniowate
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornaceae They are mostly trees and shrubs, which may be deciduous or evergreen, although a few species are perennial herbs. Members of the family usually have opposite or alternate simple leaves, four- or five-parted flowers clustered in inflorescences or pseudanthia, and drupaceous fruits. The family is primarily distributed in northern temperate regions and tropical Asia. In northern temperate areas, Cornaceae are well known from the dogwoods Cornus.
Lietuvoje auga sedulos (Cornus) gentis, kurioje viena savaiminė raudonoji sedula (Cornus sanguinea) ir 3 auginamos rūšys:
- Baltoji sedula (Cornus alba)
- Geltonžiedė sedula (Cornus mas)
- Palaipinė sedula (Cornus stolonifera)