- sandalwoods
- Sandelholzgewächse
- santaliniai
- santalkoku dzimta
- sandałowcowate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santalaceae It is a widely distributed family of flowering plants (including small trees, shrubs, perennial herbs, and epiphytic climbers) which, like other members of Santalales, are partially parasitic (hemiparasites) on other plants. Modern treatments of the Santalaceae include the family Viscaceae (mistletoes), previously considered distinct.
Parazitiniai ar pusiau parazitiniai augalai. Lietuvoje trys rūšys:
- Viscum album · paprastasis amalas
- Thesium ebracteatum · plikažiedis linlapis
- Thesium linophyllon · melsvasis linlapis