Liriodendron tulipifera · gelsvažiedis tulpmedis
Magnolia stellata · žvaigždinė magnolija
Magnolia tripetala · skėtinė magnolija
Magnolia × 'Susan'
Magnolia × loebneri · plačiažiedė magnolija
- magnolia family
- Magnoliengewächse
- magnolijiniai
- magnoliju dzimta
- magnoliowate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnoliaceae Unlike most angiosperms, whose flower parts are in whorls (rings), the Magnoliaceae have their stamens and pistils in spirals on a conical receptacle. This arrangement is found in some fossil plants and is believed to be a basal or early condition for angiosperms. The flowers also have parts not distinctly differentiated into sepals and petals, while angiosperms that evolved later tend to have distinctly differentiated sepals and petals. The poorly differentiated perianth parts that occupy both positions are known as tepals.
Seniausi žiediniai augalai. Magnolia acuminata augo jau prieš 20 milijonų metų, o išnykusių Magnoliaceae šeimos atstovų fosilijų amžius siekia 95 milijonus metų.