
Volucella inanis · ilgaveidė

  • wasp plumehorn
  • Gebänderte Waldschwebfliege, Gelbe Hummel-Schwebfliege
  • Wespreus
  • trzmielówka dorodna
  • Bålgetingblomfluga

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volucella_inanis The adults can be encountered from early July to early September, feeding on flowers. The female lays eggs in the nests of social wasps and hornets (Vespa crabro, Vespula germanica, etc.). The larvae of this hoverfly are ectoparasites of larvae of the wasps.

Žiedmusė. Verkių regioniniame parke. Lietuvoje matyt retoka, "New and rare for Lithuania species", vol.17 ISSN 1648–8555 rašoma, kad pirmą kartą rasta 2005 metais. Parazituoja vapsvų lervas.