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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Syrphidae · žiedmusės / Eupeodes corollae · žiedmusė

Eupeodes corollae male · žiedmusė ♂
Eupeodes corollae male · žiedmusė ♂
Eupeodes corollae female · žiedmusė ♀
Eupeodes corollae · žiedmusė
- migrant hoverfly
- Gemeine Feldschwebfliege
- pienlaikkukirvari
- bzyg nadobny
- nyfiken blomfluga
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eupeodes_corollae E. corollae is found across Europe, North Africa and Asia. Adults are often migratory. The aphidophagous larvae appear to use a variety of ground-layer aphids in a wide range of habitats including crops. Adults fly from March to November and visit a tremendous variety of flowers, even those of window boxes high up on tower blocks.
Males and females have different yellow markings. The yellow 'commas' on the male are often quadrate and frequently merge together. In the female the commas are narrower. In both sexes, the yellow commas extend to the extreme lateral margins of the tergites (unlike E. luniger).