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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Syrphidae · žiedmusės / Xylota sylvarum · žiedmusė

Xylota sylvarum · žiedmusė
- golden-tailed leafwalker, golden-tailed hoverfly, golden-tailed leaf licker
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- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylota_sylvarum
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157629841470621
- gbif.org/species/1541654
It is a common Palearctic species. Old woodland species running on the foliage of bushes and shrubs and on tree stumps. The larvae feed in damp, fungus-ridden decaying wood of variety of broadleaved and coniferous tree trunks and stumps, usually beneath the bark and also rot holes. The major habitat may be decaying tree roots.
Black hoverfly with a bright yellow tip to the abdomen. The hind tibiae are black for the apical two-fifths, though the tibiae can look entirely yellow from certain angles.