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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Ulidiidae · juostasparnės musės

Ulidiidae · juostasparnės musės
- Otitidae
- picture-winged flies, wing-waving flies
- Schmuckfliegen
- joslspārnmušu dzimta
- smużynkowate
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulidiidae
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/collections/72157638181506875
- Mike Hackston: Family Ulidiidae key to UK species.pdf
They are often known as picture-winged flies, along with members of other families in the superfamily Tephritoidea that have patterns of bands or spots on the wings. Ulidiids are mostly saprophagous, either developing in decaying vegetation/fruit, dung, decaying wood or organically-rich wet mud; some are phytophagous.