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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Syrphidae · žiedmusės / Myathropa florea · žiedmusė

Myathropa florea · žiedmusė
- Batman Hoverfly, Yellow-haired Sun Fly
- Dødningehoved-svirreflue
- Totenkopfschwebfliege, Gemeine Dolden-Schwebfliege
- mesisurri
- doodskopzweefvlieg
- kwiatówka zmierzchnicowata
- dödskallefluga, dödskalleblomfluga
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myathropa_florea
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157629553127306
- gbif.org/species/4516754
A fairly large hoverfly resembling an Eristalis but with distinct grey markings on the thorax (often likened to the Batman logo), and with wing cell R1 open and meeting the costa. Summer individuals are especially bright, spring ones are usually duller with more extensive black markings on the abdomen and the paler markings of the abdomen buff-yellow rather than bright lemon-yellow.
The rat-tailed larvae typically develop in tree rot holes and other crevices in trees that become filled with water and wet detritus but have apparently also been reared from wet cow dung and compost heaps. Larvae feed on bacteria in organic waterlogged detritus.