
Melangyna lasiophthalma · žiedmusė

  • Spring Halfband
  • Håret svirreflue
  • Frühe Frühlingsschwebfliege
  • kevätmetsäkirvari
  • wilgenelfje
  • vårkrattblomsterflue
  • hårig flickblomfluga

Palearctic from Iceland and Fennoscandia South to the Pyrenees and mountains of Spain. Ireland East through North Europe and mountainous parts of Central Europe. East into European Russia and Siberia. Nearctic from Alaska south to Colorado and Maryland.

Males can be separated from other similar species through the combination of pale hairs on the moderately shiny thoracic dorsum, the extensively darkened rim of the scutellum, and the rather hirsute body. It also has a relatively broad build for a Melangyna.

Females also have this scutellum feature, and can be separated from scarcer species such as M. arctica and M. ericarum by the small and narrow dust spots on the frons and weakly hairy rather than bare eyes. In the field they can also be confused with females of Parasyrphus punctulatus (alongside which they often fly) though P. punctulatus is more broadly built with the yellow bars of the abdomen reaching the side margins at their anterior corners and the front tibiae almost entirely pale (apical half dark in M. lasiophthalma).

This widespread and fairly frequent species is most evident in March and April when it is usually encountered on sallow and Prunus blossoms in and around woodland. It also likes sunbathing on tree trunks. The larvae are presumed to be aphidophagous, though little seems to be known of their specific requirements.