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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Diptera · dvisparniai / Micropezidae · kojūkakojės musės

Calobata petronella · kojūkakojė musė
Compsobata cibaria · kojūkakojė musė
Micropezidae · kojūkakojės musės
Micropezidae · kojūkakojės musės
- stilt-legged flies
- Stelzenfliegen
- kojūkakojės musės
- garkājmušu dzimta
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micropezidae Insects in this family are commonly called stilt-legged flies, after their characteristically long legs. The fore legs are markedly smaller than the other pairs.
Little is known of the larval habits, but they are probably phytophagous or saprophagous in decayed vegetation, old manure, or fungi. Larvae of certain Mimegralla species have been found to live in the roots of ginger and other plants, under the bark of dead trees, or in other decaying material. Species of Micropeza have phytophagous larvae feeding in the root nodules of leguminous plants in open habitats. Species of Rainieria develop in rotting wood and are found in old forests. Adults are either predatory on small insects (for example Calobata) or are attracted to excrement or decaying fruit. Adults are found on low herbage, flowers, leaves, rotting fruit, and excrement.