Acrosathe annulata · pentinuotė
Dialineura anilis · pentinuotė
Thereva nobilitata · pentinuotė
Thereva · pentinuotė
- stiletto flies
- Luchsfliegen, Stilettfliegen
- samtmušu dzimta, māņlaupītājmušu dzimta
- dziewierkowate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therevidae The larvae live as predators. They are generally found on dry, sandy soils and dry litter. Larvae also are located in other substrates such as decomposing organic matter and under the bark of trees. Among the prey are the larvae and pupae of Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The observation of the behaviour of known forms highlights voracious feeding and agile movements. When exposed to light, the larvae of the Therevidae dig back into the substrate with rapid movements. The larva overwinters. The pupation takes place in the spring.
Adults feed mainly on nectar, honeydew, and pollen, but they occasionally feed on liquid secretions of animal or vegetable origin. They are found in various environments. At rest, they choose various substrates according to the species: some species rest on the ground, others on rocks, vegetation, or intertidal debris. They are generally diurnal and move in short, quick flights.