Acidia cognata · margasparnė
Chaetostomella cylindrica · margasparnė
Dioxyna bidentis · margasparnė
Euleia heraclei · salierinė minamusė
Oxyna flavipennis · margasparnė
Oxyna parietina · margasparnė
Philophylla caesio · minamusė
Rhagoletis cerasi · vyšninė margasparnė
Urophora cardui · daginė margasparnė
Xyphosia miliaria · margasparnė
- peacock flies, fruit flies
- Fruchtfliegen, Bohrfliegen
- raibspārnmušu dzimta, raibspārnmušas
- nasionnicowate
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tephritidae
- A Pictorial Guide to the Tephritidae of Britain and Ireland, PDF
Some fruit flies have extensive mating rituals or territorial displays. Many are brightly colored and visually showy. Some fruit flies show Batesian mimicry, bearing the colors and markings of dangerous arthropods such as wasps or jumping spiders because it helps the fruit flies avoid predation, though the flies lack stingers.
Adult tephritid fruit flies are often found on the host plant and feeding on pollen, nectar, rotting plant debris, or honeydew. Tephritidae is one of two fly families referred to as "fruit flies". Various species of fruit fly cause damage to fruit and other plant crops.