
Pardosa lugubris s.l. · paprastasis šuolininkas

  • Waldlaufwolf, Trauerwolfspinne, Gemeine Waldwolfspinne, Gewöhnliche Waldwolfspinne
  • paprastasis šuolininkas
  • Zwartstaartboswolfspin
  • wałęsak leśny
  • Lövvargspindel

There are closely related very similar species complex, including:

  • Pardosa lugubris Walckenaer, 1802;
  • Pardosa alacris C. L. Koch, 1833
  • Pardosa saltans Töpffer-Hoffmann, 2000
  • Pardosa baehrorum Kronestedt, 1999

One of the smaller wolf spiders (5 to 7 mm). The cephalothorax (head and thorax) of the female is dark brown has a lighter brown median strip. In the male the cephalothorax is almost black with a paler grey median strip. A difficult species to identify in the field as there are other similar species.