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home / Fungi · grybai / Hygrophoraceae · guoteniniai

Hygrocybe conica · kūginė guotenė
Hygrophorus cossus · kislioji guotė
Hygrocybe acutoconica · oranžinė guotenė
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygrophoraceae The majority of species in the Hygrophoraceae are ground-dwelling, though a few occur on wood, or on mosses, or herbaceous stems. Most are found in woodland, though (in Europe at least) Hygrocybe species are typical of waxcap grasslands.
Species are nutritionally diverse: ectomycorrhizal, moss associates, basidiolichens (forming associations with algae and cyanobacteria). A few genera may be saprotrophic. Members of the Hygrophoraceae are distributed worldwide, from the tropics to the subpolar regions.
Division: Basidiomycota (Papėdgrybūnai) Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales (Agarikiečiai)