
Coprinellus xanthothrix · žeminis mėšlagrybukas

  • Coprinus xanthothrix
  • Gelbschuppiger Tintling
  • žeminis mėšlagrybukas
  • czernidłak żółtołuseczkowy

It looks like a pale grey form of the Coprinellus micaceus. Cap initially egg-shaped then bell shaped, expanding to between 1.6 and 2.5 cm diameter; margin deeply furrowed; surface sparsely covered with pale mica-like scales, mainly near to the centre of the cap; pale buff becoming greyer at maturity. The adnate gills are white at first, turning grey and then blackening. The hollow white stem is typically 2.5 to 5 mm in diameter, slightly swollen near the base, and up to 10 cm tall.