
Drosera anglica · ilgalapė saulašarė

  • Drosera longifolia
  • English sundew, great sundew
  • Langblättrige Sonnentau, Langblatt-Sonnentau, Englischer Sonnentau
  • ilgalapė saulašarė, rasažolė
  • garlapu rasene
  • rosiczka długolistna

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosera_anglica It is a temperate species with a circumboreal range, although it does occur as far south as Japan, southern Europe, and the island of Kauai in Hawaii, where it grows as a tropical sundew. It is thought to originate from an amphidiploid hybrid of D. rotundifolia and D. linearis.

Drosera anglica grows in open, non-forested habitat with wet soils. These include bogs, marl fens, quaking bogs, cobble shores, and other calcareous habitats. This tolerance of calcium is relatively rare in the rest of the genus. D. anglica is often associated with various sphagnum mosses. Since nutrient availability in low pH is low, competition from other plants is diminished, allowing the carnivorous English sundew to flourish.

Vabzdžiaėdis augalas. Augdamas rūgščiame substrate jis per šaknis negauna azoto junginių. Lipniais plaukeliais, kuriais apaugę lapai, gaudo smulkius vabzdžius ir fermentais, išskiriamais liaukučių, ištirpina ir paima iš jų reikalingas maisto medžiagas.