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home / Plantae · augalai / Geraniaceae · snaputiniai / Erodium cicutarium · paprastasis dalgutis
Erodium cicutarium · paprastasis dalgutis
- common stork's-bill, redstem filaree, redstem stork's bill, pinweed
- Gewöhnliche Reiherschnabel, Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel
- paprastasis dalgutis
- velnarutku grābeklīte
- iglica pospolita
It is native to temperate Eurasia and north and northeast Africa, Macaronesia and was introduced to North America. Erodium cicutarium seed uses self-dispersal mechanisms to spread away from the maternal plant and also reach a good germination site to increase fitness. Two abilities that E. cicutarium has are explosive dispersal, which launches seeds by storing elastic energy, and self-burial dispersal, where the seeds move themselves across the soil using hygroscopically powered shape change.
vienmetis arba dvimetis augalas. 10-50 cm aukščio. Auga pievose, pakelėse. Žydi rausvais žiedais.