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home / Plantae · augalai / Fabaceae · pupiniai / Trifolium montanum · kalninis dobilas

Zygaena viciae caterpillar · mažasis marguolis, vikšras
Zygaena viciae caterpillar · mažasis marguolis, vikšras
Trifolium montanum · kalninis dobilas
Trifolium montanum · kalninis dobilas
- mountain clover
- Berg-Klee
- kalninis dobilas
- kalnu āboliņš
- koniczyna pagórkowa
- backklöver, mäkiapila
- luontoportti.com/en/t/1266/mountain-clover
- nordgen.org/projects/crop-wild-relatives/plant-portraits/mountain-clover-trifolium-montanum-l
- gbif.org/species/5359047
Mountain clover grows in Europe and eastwards towards the Caucasus and Iran. It is mainly found on dry, calcareous meadows and slopes. It benefits from well-managed cultivation and low-level interference. It is disadvantaged by heavy grazing, overgrowth, early grazing and fertilization.
Mountain clover is perennial and the main inflorescences looks a little like white clover. However, it is easy to tell them apart: mountain clover grows upright and becomes 20-40 cm high, while white clover has a creeping habit. The three-jointed leaflets are serrated, lanceolate and pointed in mountain clover, rounded and smaller in white clover. The colour of the flower is more yellow-white than the flower of the white clover, and during flowering it stretches and the heads become ovoid. The flowers smell sweet and attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and small beetles.
Paplitęs Europoje. Aukštis 15-40 cm. Žiedynas baltas, kvepia medumi. Žydi gegužės-liepos mėnesiais. Auga pievose, pašlaitėse.