
Plantago media · plaukuotasis gyslotis

It is native to central and western Europe and introduced to parts of the north-east United States. Plantago media grows in damp grassy meadows. A slender stalk of between 5 and 50 cm develops from a basal rosette of finely-haired leaves. Delicate pink-white flowers are borne between May and September. P. media is hermaphrodite and is pollinated by wind or insects, particularly bees.

Daugiametis. Lapai elipsiški, trumpakočiai arba beveik bekočiai, abipus plaukuoti. Varpos pailgai cilindriškos, tankios. Kuokeliai violetiniai. Žydi nuo gegužės mėn. iki rudens. Auga sausuose pievose, miškų aikštelėse, pagrioviuose.