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home / Plantae · augalai / Asteraceae · astriniai / Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis

Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
Cota tinctoria · geltonasis bobramunis
- Anthemis tinctoria
- golden marguerite, yellow chamomile, oxeye chamomile
- Färberkamille
- geltonasis bobramunis
- dzeltenā ilzīte
- rumian żółty
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cota_tinctoria It is a short-lived plant often treated as biennial, native to Europe, the Mediterranean and Western Asia and naturalized in scattered locations in North America. It has aromatic, bright green, feathery foliage. The serrate leaves are bi-pinnatifid (= finely divided) and downy beneath. It grows to a height of 60 cm. It has yellow daisy-like terminal flower heads on long thin angular stems, blooming in profusion during the summer. Cota tinctoria produces excellent yellow, buff and golden-orange dyes, used in the past for fabrics. It is grown in gardens for its bright attractive flowers and fine lacy foliage.
Liežuviški ir vamzdiški žiedai geltoni. Lapai plunksniški, lapeliai plunksniškai suskaldyti, apatinė pusė plaukuota. Graižai pavieniai stiebo ir šakų viršūnėje. Vaisiai keturbriauniai, jų sparneliai siauri. Aukštis 20 – 60 cm.