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home / Plantae · augalai / Primulaceae · raktažoliniai / Primula vulgaris · paprastoji raktažolė

Primula vulgaris · paprastoji raktažolė
- common primrose
- Stängellose Schlüsselblume
- paprastoji raktažolė
- parastā prīmula
- pierwiosnek bezłodygowy, pierwiosnka bezłodygowa
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primula_vulgaris Native to western and southern Europe, northwest Africa, and parts of southwest Asia. Numerous cultivars have been selected for garden planting, often derived from subsp. sibthorpii or hybrids between the subspecies; these and other garden hybrids are available in a wide range of colours, including white, yellow and red, or brown and red in all gradations as well as dark red, pink, purple, dark brown and dark blue, and with an extended flowering season.
Lietuvoje auginama dekoratyvinė gėlė, daug veislių, žydi anksti, daugiametė. Šiltais metais gali žydėti du kartus. Žiedai balti, violetiniai, gelsvi, rausvi. Aukštis iki 10 cm.