
Stellaria aquatica · vandeninis pastenis

  • Myosoton aquaticum
  • water chickweed, giant chickweed
  • Wasserdarm, Wassermiere
  • vandeninis pastenis
  • parastā ūdensvirza
  • kościenica wodna

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellaria_aquatica It occurs naturally in the temperate regions of central and western Europe. Stellaria aquatica is a perennial herbaceous plant with stems between 10 and 100 cm high, growing in humid, wet areas, for example, on the sides of gutters or under or between bushes. The flowers are white. The plants bloom between June and August.

Vandeninis pastenis dažnas Lietuvoje. Auga drėgnuose ir ūksminguose miškuose, pagrioviuose. Žydi baltais žiedais birželio – rugsėjo mėn.