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home / Plantae · augalai / Orchidaceae · gegužraibiniai / Platanthera chlorantha · žalsvažiedė blandis

Platanthera chlorantha · žalsvažiedė blandis
- greater butterfly-orchid
- Grünliche Waldhyazinthe, Grünlich-Waldhyazinthe, Berg-Waldhyazinthe
- žalsvažiedė blandis
- zaļziedu naktsvijole
- podkolan zielonawy
Its world distribution is broadly endemic to Europe: from the British Isles in the west to European Russia and the Caucasus in the east; and from the coastal region of Norway to 65°N, down to the whole of Italy and the Balkans excluding most of Greece. There are scattered outliers in Spain, Turkey, and North Africa. Its leaves are broad, shiny and elliptical, with a large pair at the base, and much smaller, more lanceolate leaves up the stem. The flowers are greenish-white, with spreading sepals and petals. The lip of the flower is long, narrow and undivided. The flower has a very long spur. The flowers form a rather loose spike. The pollen masses diverge to touch both sides of the pollinating insect. The plant is found in woods, open scrub, and grassland including on chalk.
Labai panaši Platanthera bifolia · dvilapė blandis, pastarosios dulkinių lizdai lygiagretūs. Žiedynas maždaug 20-25 cm ilgio su žalsvai baltais žiedais, kurie beveik bekvapiai. Žydi gegužės – liepos mėn. Auga lapuočių ir mišriuose miškuose, pamiškėse, pievose. Įrašyta į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą.