
Tanacetum corymbosum · skėtinis skaistenis

  • Chrysanthemum corymbosum, Pyrethrum corymbosum
  • Scentless Feverfew, Corymbflower tansy
  • Straußblütige Wucherblume, Gewöhnliche Straußmargerite
  • skėtinis skaistenis
  • vairogu biškrēsliņš
  • wrotycz baldachogroniasty, złocień baldachogroniasty

It is native of meadows and open spots in woods from Europe to W. Siberia and W. Himalaya, NW. Africa. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Scentless Feverfew winter hardy perennial 120 (150)cm height, with tall annual stems covered with large, deeply dissected, dark green leaves and terminal inflorescences of white, daisy-like flowers with a central yellow disk. V-VI.

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