
Arctium tomentosum · paprastoji varnalėša

  • woolly burdock, downy burdock
  • Filz-Klette
  • paprastoji varnalėša
  • pūkainais diždadzis
  • łopian pajęczynowaty

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctium_tomentosum Native to Eurasia from Spain to Xinjiang Province in western China, naturalized in North America. Arctium tomentosum is a biennial herbaceous plant. The woolly burdock grows in disturbed areas, along roadsides, in farmland, forests as well as in open areas, wet and dry grassland. Woolly burdock crossbreeds with both greater burdock (A. lappa) and lesser burdock (A. minus). This species can be distinguished from related ones because the underside of the leaves and the outside of the capitula is covered with white woolly hairs.