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home / Insecta · vabzdžiai / Hemiptera · straubliuočiai / Miridae · žolblakės / Notostira elongata · skeltagalvė žolblakė

Notostira elongata adult male · skeltagalvė žolblakė ♂
Notostira elongata adult male · skeltagalvė žolblakė ♂
Notostira elongata · skeltagalvė žolblakė
- Elongated Grass Bug
- Tofaset græstæge
- Grasweichwanze
- kaakonahdelude
- skeltagalvė žolblakė
- Bruine graswants
- ścięga ugorowa
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notostira_elongata
- naturespot.org.uk/species/notostira-elongata
- britishbugs.org.uk/heteroptera/Miridae/notostira_elongata.html
- gbif.org/species/4487326
The species is widespread in Europe, North Africa and east to Siberia and China. It inhabits many different, moderately moist to dry, sunny to partially shaded habitats and is found primarily in open, sunny places like roadsides, ruderal areas, fertilized meadows or even in grain fields.
Notostira species have a longitudinal furrow between the eyes. The genus is sexually dimorphic. Males are black on the upperside, with the margins yellowish-green, while females are much paler and appear similar to Stenodema laevigata. However, the pronotum is smooth and unpunctured and there are dense dark hairs on the first antennal segment and hind tibiae.